Quan Law Group is excited to once again be an Award Winning Houston Immigration Law Firm. We are honored to announce that several of our brilliant Houston immigration attorneys have received awards from Best Lawyer 2023 – including the coveted Lawyer of the Year 2023 award. We are especially proud of these honors – because they were chosen by other lawyers.
Methodology: How Winners Were Selected
According to Best Lawyers, “the best lawyers know who the best lawyers are”. This year’s results were determined using more than 12.2 million confidential evaluations by top attorneys.
Here is a snap shot of Best Lawyers methodology:

Who received awards this year:
- Best Lawyers report of recognized lawyers
- “Lawyer of the Year” award recipients
- Ones to Watch report of recognized lawyers
We wanted to take a minute to congratulate our talented team – and give you a chance to get to know them better.
Lawyer of the Year 2023 – Jarred Slater

AWARDS: Lawyer of the Year 2023 & Best Lawyers 2023
TITLE: Managing Partner & Co-Founder Quan Law Group
EXPERIENCE: 17 years as attorney (24 years immigration experience)
Why do you do what you do?
Piecing together the facts of a client’s case within the confines of our immigration law and regulations is a puzzle. Some puzzles are easy to put together and sometimes they can be quite challenging. At the end of the day, I enjoy laying out the pieces on a table, developing a strategy, and successfully completing the puzzle.
What motivates you? Or, Why is it meaningful to you?
In my office, I have a photo of a family standing in front of the statue of liberty and copies of immigration documents for my grandfathers – one is the ship manifest where my maternal grandfathered arrived in the U.S. as a young child and the other is my paternal grandfather’s naturalization application. Every client that I meet has a different story to tell but at some point they have all stood in the same position
as my grandfathers did more than a century ago.
How do you feel about winning this award?
“Recognition by Best Lawyers is based entirely on peer review.” (See selection process here: https://www.bestlawyers.com/methodology)
I was surprised to learn I received this recognition. It is both an honor and humbling to receive such respect and recognition of my peers.
How’d you get your start in Immigration Law?
After college I worked for two congressmen handling immigration matters for constituents and came to know several local immigration attorneys. I attended law school at night and upon graduation I reached out to the contacts that I had made. I was hired as an attorney upon passing the bar exam.
When it comes to my clients the thing I excel at most is:
I’d say communication, both in terms of responsiveness and making sure my clients understanding the law. The most common complaint about lawyers is their lack of communication. Customer service is important to me so I try to respond to my clients as quickly as possible. I also understand that being a good lawyer requires strong communication skills to ensure our clients understand what is required of them, what their process entails, and setting realistic expectations for their case.
What other awards have you won?
I have been recognized by Best Lawyers for the past several years.
What do you do for fun?
I have two teenage children, so my free time generally revolves around their activities. Most days I like to relax by watching television or going to the movies.
What is your favorite QLG Office moment?
Opening the firm with Gordon and Sylvia was by far my proudest moment. Seeing how we’ve grown over the past 7+ years has been incredible. There’s so much uncertainty that come with starting any new business. I so grateful to the team we’ve built around us and the success we’ve all achieved.
What is your favorite lunch spot near the office?
I’ve developed a routine of frequenting the same restaurants nearby. Because I’ve been so busy, I usually just grab something quick and get back to work.
What is your favorite way to celebrate after completing a successful case?
I don’t handle many cases in immigration court but when I’ve successfully completed a case, I like to pick up fresh cookies for the office.
What do you like most about your firm?
When creating Quan Law Group, it was important to Gordon [Quan] and I that we maintain a family atmosphere in which our staff are proud to come to work and provide quality service. We don’t do much advertising so being able to maintain steady business based on word of mouth from happy clients is truly amazing.
Gordan Quan

AWARD: Best Lawyers 2023
TITLE: Managing Partner and Co-Founder Quan Law Group
EXPERIENCE: 45 years as Attorney
Why do you do what you do?
I believe that I am making America a better country bring in the talents of individuals who are contributing to continue to make America great.
How do you feel about winning this award?
While I am honored, I don’t do my work to win awards but to change lives for the better.
How’d you get your start in Immigration Law?
I met my wife from Hong Kong and saw the difficulties that immigrants have in navigating the complex immigration process.
What motivates you?
Or, Why is it meaningful to you? I believe immigration is the life-blood of this country. People have come for generations to make a better life for themselves and their families. I am pleased to have a role in this journey.
When it comes to my clients the thing I excel at most is:
I believe I am empathetic to the fears and concerns of my clients. My goal is to think of each person like how my grandfathers felt when they first came from China. I try to be the attorney I wish they had to help them become Americans.
What other awards have you won?
I have been selected as the Distinguished Alumnus from South Texas College of Law, honorary alumnus from the University of Houston School of Law, Lifetime Achievement Award recipient from Texas Lawyer Magazine, Preeminent Rating by Martindale-Hubbell, Texas Immigration Lawyer of the Year by Texas Monthly Magazine.
What do you do for fun?
I enjoy watching the Astros.
What is your favorite QLG Office moment?
Saturday mornings catching up on cases with a good cup of coffee and listening to “Wait, Wait Don’t Tell Me “ on NPR.
What is your favorite lunch spot near the office?
I enjoy eating lunch in the large training room when we celebrate special occasions.
What is your favorite way to celebrate after completing a successful case?
I am happy to celebrate when grateful clients bring food to share with the staff to celebrate our teamwork.
What do you like most about your firm?
I believe that we have a group of very conscientious people who care about their work and our clients and each other.
Matthew Thomas

AWARD: Best Lawyers 2023
TITLE: Partner Quan Law Group
EXPERIENCE: 25 years as an Attorney
Why do you do what you do?
Since I was a very young child, I have always been fascinated by foreign lands, people, and languages. Among my very first friends as a child were neighborhood kids from France and from Hungary. I am also only a second generation American myself, and was always fascinated by my immigrant family and the stories that my grandparents would tell about the “old country” and how they struggled to get to the United States.
My grandparents told stories about the perils they faced that forced them to leave their home, sailing large ships to Ellis Island during the beginning of the last century, and the struggles they faced once here. Helping people immigrate to the United States as an adult now is a manifestation of this interest and my dedication to the quintessential American Dream.
While the navigation of our modern immigration bureaucracy does not seem quite as romantic as these old stories, I imagine the struggles are as real for many who seek better lives in America, and I find helping them do so very rewarding. Similarly, as throughout our history, modern-day immigrants are making such vital contributions to our country that I consider doing what I do part of my own patriotic contributions.
How do you feel about winning this award?
It is always humbling and a source of quiet pride to be recognized by one’s peers.
How’d you get your start in Immigration Law?
While it is a long story, the short of it is that I got my start as a linguist in the intelligence field. From there, I eventually found myself working for a joint venture between the legacy Immigration & Naturalization Service and the State Department, working in refugee resettlement. Next I went to law school, and in law school, the natural trajectory of my career was immigration law. Basically, in one manner or another, my entire professional career has involved either foreign affairs or immigration.
What motivates you? Or, Why is it meaningful to you?
I am always surprised by who reacts the most emotionally to a “win” with the immigration bureaucracy. I have seen executives with very large companies break down in tears when they received their U.S. permanent residency, even though they could have lived just about anywhere in the world they cared to live, and their U.S. permanent residency was all but a certainty. In one situation I asked a tearful executive why he was so tearful upon learning of the success of his case (since I certainly expected it), and he explained that he was overjoyed, because immigrating to the United States had been a lifelong dream of his. I find these little surprises an unexpected delight and they can be very meaningful. You just never know who you are going to touch to most.
When it comes to my clients the thing I excel at most is:
I would say “communication.” Perhaps some of my clients would say “talking too much?!”
What do you do for fun?
Hang out with my 9-year-old daughter and wife.
Take classical guitar lessons (I am a terrible musician!).
Exercise (yes, I find it enjoyable!).
Eat lots of TexMex, as in eat chips and salsa like it is Thanksgiving, top that off with the meal and margaritas, and then complain about eating too much (hence the need to enjoy exercise?)!
What is your favorite QLG Office moment?
Probably my favorite moment was when I learned that I’d be joining QLG. Many of the people at this firm are longtime colleagues and friends whom I have known and with whom I have worked my entire professional life in the legal field. The folks at our firm are among the most talented and dedicated attorneys with whom I have ever worked.
What is your favorite lunch spot near the office?
Have to ask JJ the name of that Indian place we frequent – you’d think I know, as often as we’ve gone!
What is your favorite way to celebrate after completing a successful case?
Back to the TexMex. There is no better excuse to eat TexMex and drink margaritas. That is also a good way to console oneself, not that we lose many cases.
What do you like most about your firm?
We are a group of enthusiastic, dedicated legal professionals that are among the most generous and compassionate in our field. The office is very much like a family, and we are as supportive of each other as we are of our clients. Our firm’s culture is very unusual among law firms, in my experience. In part because the work itself is so challenging and stressful for all, clients and staff, we make conscious effort to make the office a pleasant place to work. We’re not perfect, of course, but I’ve never known another firm to make as much effort to support its clients and staff as QLG. We’re a real team, and it makes all the difference.
Kristen Hammill

AWARD: Best Lawyers 2023
TITLE: Partner Quan Law Group
EXPERIENCE: 17 years as an Attorney
Why do you do what you do?
I truly enjoy my work. The immigration system is extremely complex and I enjoy helping people navigate through the process.
How do you feel about winning this award?
It feels nice to be recognized by my peers.
What motivates you? Or, Why is it meaningful to you?
I like to see things through to completion. I relish being able to tell a client their case has been approved.
When it comes to my clients the thing I excel at most is:
Managing expectations and honest communication.
What other awards have you won?
I’ve also been recognized by Texas Super Lawyers.
What do you do for fun?
I spend every other free moment watching and attending Houston Astros games.
What is your favorite QLG Office moment?
Many years ago, we divided the office into groups of 5-6 people and each group made a music video. I’ve never laughed so hard in my life.
What is your favorite lunch spot near the office?
There are several restaurants in my rotation, but French Riviera Bakery is probably my favorite.
What is your favorite way to celebrate after completing a successful case?
Leave the office early that day.
What do you like most about your firm?
I love the collaboration. With the personalities we have, everyone is willing to chip in and help out in any way they can.
Kathryn Karam

AWARD: Best Lawyers 2023
TITLE: Senior Attorney Quan Law Group
EXPERIENCE: 15 years as an Attorney
Why do you do what you do?
I work in immigration law because I think it’s important to have checks and balances. That’s what our system is based on – we have three branches of government that are supposed to be able to help keep each other from becoming too powerful. People navigating the U.S. immigration system need advocates as a check on the U.S. government. Otherwise, people are dealing with an agency that has more resources and information than they do, and the system is totally out of balance.
Our immigration laws haven’t changed in almost 30 years – since 1996 – but depending on who’s in the whitehouse and who they appointment to run the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of State, things can operate in distinctly different ways.
In the last 14 years, we’ve seen a heavy focus on immigration enforcement during the Obama and Trump years. At times, entrepreneurs can’t stay here to build their new businesses and hire local employees. Local businesses can’t bring in specialized workers when they need to. Sometimes spouses can’t live in the U.S. together. It always shocks people who’ve never had to deal with the U.S. immigration system before to experience these difficulties.
A client recently asked me, “don’t I have rights as a citizen? How can the government prevent my wife from being here with me?” I understood his shock and frustration. It’s hard for anyone to understand how our system can allow a crime victim to remain here regardless of how they got here but force a spouse to leave the country and risk not being allowed back into the country to stay here long-term.
In almost 15 solid years of working in this field, I’ve had blind dates end with my date telling me he can’t support what I do for a living (and on the other end of the spectrum, I’ve had dates ask me for legal advice about their immigration cases). I’ve cried over some of my cases, and more than once, I’ve turned a client’s situation over in my mind for months or even a year or two trying to come up with a solution to a complex problem.
I think there’s something about America that inspires people to rise to the occasion, to grab onto opportunities and not let them go. When I work with someone who has been here for years and finally gets a green card, it’s like the country rewards their drive and their resolve not to give up.
How do you feel about winning this award?
I feel proud of the work I do, and I’d feel that way if I hadn’t received this award.
How’d you get your start in Immigration Law?
I started working in immigration law as a law student. I had an internship at a nonprofit organization, and I was asked to help the attorney tasked with helping detained persons. We helped a woman who’d made a terrible mistake years before. She knew it and she was very sorry she’d done it. She was just sitting in a detention center while her daughter – a U.S. citizen – was about to graduate from high school. We helped to get her released from detention so she could be with her family. She was an intelligent person and a loving mother, and it was a huge waste of potential to see someone sitting in an immigration detention center after she’d already served her criminal sentence.
Merina Shakya

AWARD: Ones to Watch 2023
EXPERIENCE: 5 years as an Attorney
Why do you do what you do?
Because I love the unique challenges that practicing immigration law provides which is intellectually stimulating, and at the same time I get to help people, which is emotionally gratifying.
How do you feel about winning this award?
I feel great; it’s nice to be appreciated.
How’d you get your start in Immigration Law?
In 2012 when DACA came about, I was still in law school in Chicago and I volunteered to be one of the application assistants who helped families fill out the DACA forms. Also I was on a student visa myself for a long time and always handled my own paperwork.
What motivates you? Or, Why is it meaningful to you?
My family motivates me every day. And I am an immigrant myself so I understand what my clients have been through.
When it comes to my clients the thing I excel at most is:
I think explaining the convoluted laws as clearly and as simply as possible. Many of our clients are clueless about how simple mistakes can cost them heavily, and once you add the YEARS that it takes to get anything resolved, they quickly become anxious and impatient. So I also try to help them manage their expectations and be honest about the possible outcomes.
What other awards have you won?
I won this same award last year. This is my second year to win Best Lawyers.
What do you do for fun?
I read.. a LOT.
What is your favorite QLG Office moment?
Our work keeps us extremely busy but I love it when we get to go out for lunch or drinks on special occasions (or no occasion at all and just to decompress).
What is your favorite lunch spot near the office?
Lately I’ve been going to Craft Pita a lot. There are way too many good places to pick just one!
What is your favorite way to celebrate after completing a successful case?
I get a massage! It’s mentally and physically exhausting after a hearing on a difficult case, so a massage really helps to relax my mind and my body. And I usually also go out with my family some place nice for dinner.
What do you like most about your firm?
QLG has a very collegial environment where the partners and senior attorneys with decades of experience are always ready to help, no matter what. It’s great environment for someone who is just starting out and wants to learn more. Also, everybody in the office is genuinely nice.